Stammering Speech
K-K-K-Kiran, we heard this dialogue in the movie for many times. In day to day life we meet many people suffering form stammering speech .stammering is not only a symptom

Hyperactivity Problems
To be active is good, to be more active is better, but to be hyperactive is certainly not good. Hyperactive is an unusual activity of mind and body. It is

Varicose Veins
THERE was an old Hindi song “Pao padte nahin..hai Jami par mere”  this was due to excitement but we also have a similar disease with us named varicose veins

IN OUR day to day life, we use the word sweating for many a times. But what is sweating? Is it necessary to sweat? Why is it important? Actually

NOW – A – DAYS piles has becomes ATM card for the persons who sale jadi-buti on road side. You can see the advertisement “100% result in piles ” on

YESTERDAY Madhav has been literally expelled out from his bedroom by his wife due to his severe and loud snoring. Have you ever thought that a person who breaths soundless

Thumb Sucking
“MONU take out the thumb from mouth.” Smita has to repeat this sentence many times a day. Her son Monu, 10 yrs old is habitual of thumb sucking. She feels

TEARS our old and true friends! In human life everybody has to shed tears on this or that occasion, and why only humans? Animals also shed tears to express their