Well-known homeopathic physician from Nagpur – Dr Kavita Chandak – was recently invited to Istanbul, Turkey, to deliver a seminar on – Amazing Role of Homeopathy in Autism and Psychiatric Disorders.’
At the three-day seminar, Dr Chandak trained the delegates to handle emergency as well chronic cases of psychiatric disorder. Some topics which were a part of the basic training were:
? What is Homeopathic Psychiatry?
? Why Psychiatry has been neglected?
? Can homeopathy really treat psychiatric diseases and Autism?
? Obstacles and difficulties in case taking in Autism
? 20 steps to achieve confirm success in Autism and Psychiatry
? How to decide prognosis?
? Explanation of few common terms of Psychiatry like fear, anxiety, phobia, Neurosis, Psychosis etc.
? Why study of homeopathic drugs is necessary?
? Role of dreams and Delusions in finding remedy
Dr Chandak further explained efficiency of Homeopathy in curing mental disorders, the right time for homeopathic treatment, common OCDs (Obsessive Compulsive Disorders) like aggression, violence, religious obsession, cleanliness mania, suspiciousness, checking the things frequently and even excessive talking, hysteria and how to deal with it using homeopathy.
Speaking about OCD at the seminar, Dr Chandak explained OCD as a disorder wherein anxious thoughts, imagination or an impulse from the brain pollutes the consciousness of the patient against his/her will. She explained it with examples from the daily life such as: The habit of cracking the knuckles, finger-joints, nail-biting, washing hands always, addiction to working always, the impulse to play with one’s hair and pull it, a recurrent urge to steal – typically without regard for need or profit (kleptomania), etc. and so on.
Speaking about how in spite of taking the perfect remedy, one doesn’t achieve the desired results in homeopathy, Dr Chandak explained that perfect remedy must be given in perfect potency. She thoroughly explained about potency selection by considering patient’s sensitivity as well susceptibility.
Another session which was enjoyed by the delegates was on the topic – Hysteria. Dr Chandak while explaining Hysteria, said that Hysteria leads to restriction of feeling of consciousness and creates disturbance of motor and sensory functions. During the period, a patient is unaware of her/his own motive for certain behavior. There are hidden motives that makes the patient do certain things. Basically, Hysteria is an exaggerated reaction to a little injury!
The most important topic, which Dr Chandak spoke about was perhaps – the Case Taking in Psychiatric Cases. Speaking about it, Dr Chandak explained the do’s and don’ts for a physician. She explained how a well taken case is sometimes equal to half work done! She stressed upon the need of asking different personal and general questions in different cases. Dr Chandak also spoke about the importance of observation of body language of a patient, his eyes, expressions, laughing, weeping, etc., in order to prescribe him with a perfect remedy. She said that since homeopathy does not have a specific remedy for a specific disease, it’s important for a homeopath to read the patient.
On the last day of the seminar, Dr Chandak shared the detail information about Autism: its causes and symptoms, knowledge of homeopathic remedies useful in autism, other mental diseases and many other clinical tips.
Dr. Kavita Chandak, in the past, has presented her research papers at UK, USA, Germany, Vienna, Abu Dhabi and many other countries.
“I had great results of recovery, when all other pathies failed Homeopathy was a knight in shinning armour”
Yugal Mishra
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