As we all enjoy rains with a cup of hot tea or coffee and delicious snacks, we should also alert about the diseases occurring in rainy season. During monsoon, we get contaminated water which causes lot of water borne diseases, such as jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, etc. few diseases like sinusitis, asthma, rheumatic pain and skin eruption get aggravated during monsoons.
Jaundice is water borne disease and the patient suffering from jaundice shows the following symptoms:-
1) Persistent nausea and vomiting.
2) Loss of appetite.
3) Extreme weakness
4) Low grade fever
5) Pain in ay hypochondria
6) Constipation
7) Icterus in eye i.e. yellow discoloration
8) Yellow coating of tongue and irritability.
Before appearance of jaundice a person experiences certain changes in the routine like:
a) Disliking for food
b) Disturbed sleep
c) Pain in right scapular region
d) Trembling in body
e) Uneasiness in abdomen
f) Resistant nausea.
Jaundice or hepatitis is the result of inflammatory changes in Liver. Liver forms bile which helps indigestion. If bile duct is obstructed due to any pathology for example presence of gall bladder stone, the stomach and intestine, mix up with blood.
Liver has four main functions in the body:
1) Bile formation
2) Helps in excretion
3) Glycogen storage
4) To throw the toxins out from body
In jaundice, liver is the site of the diseases. It’s common belief that jaundice is caused due to viral infection through contaminated food or water but when all the member of a family drink the same water, why only one or two of them get the disease?
Homoeopathy believes every individual is different from the other, so everybody has different immunity and any disease can attack you only when your resistance power is low.
Homeopathy has a lot of medicines for symptomatic treatment of jaundice such as Lycopodium, Nux Vom, China, Bryonies, Berberis, Osmium etc. it also has a few preventive medicines for jaundice.
A homeopathy medicine increases the résistance of a body and this immunity itself fights diseases.
1) The water and food being consumed should be hygienic.
2) Avoid oily food, milk, cream and butter jaundice.
3) Sugarcane juice is advisable, as it provide glucose to the body.
When the patient gets back his normal appetite, it’s the first sign of recovery.
“I had great results of recovery, when all other pathies failed Homeopathy was a knight in shinning armour”

Yugal Mishra

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