Now a day’s India is considered as Diabetes capital. Diabetes has spread worldwide and it is the real cause for many of the other diseases as it lowers your immunity.
Type 1- insulin dependent diabetes mellitus where pancreas releases no insulin at all – because body has destroyed the cells that produce it.
Type 2- non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus- here patient is not able to produce enough insulin or body cannot use it properly.
Symptoms- 1) fatigue 2)Polydipsia-excessive thirst 3) polyphagia-excessive appetite 4)polyuria-excessive urination 5)Poor wound healing 6)Frequent infections
Complications- heart disease, chronic renal failure, coma, impotency, retinal damage, nerve damage and gangrene etc…
Role of homoeopathy- not only control the sugar level but also cures diabetes according to its root cause.
“A disease is not in the man- a man who is in the disease”
-Homoeopathy cures –
Man – person as a whole and achieve perfect cure.
“I had great results of recovery, when all other pathies failed Homeopathy was a knight in shinning armour”
Yugal Mishra
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