NORMALLY white color is considered as a sign of peace but sometimes it can be associated with trouble. Actually leucorrhoea is white discharge associated with females. It contains excessive leucocytes. It is non purulent discharge. Vaginal infection is the commonest cause. When the discharge is in small quantity, it work as a lubricant, which doesn’t stain or moisten the under clothes, is known as physiological vaginal discharge. If the secretion is discharge, the lady feels weakness and cramps in legs.

Leucorrhoea is seen even in neonates for a week due to maternal oestrogen, at puberty due to hormonal changes, during pregnancy due to vascularity of genital tract and in few cases, leucorrhoea is a result of excitement. If the lady has physical leucorrhoea, any swelling in the uterus and its surrounding areas, cervical erosion, cancer of cervix, chronic vaginitis, any infra uterine contraceptive device lick Copper-T, she may suffer from leucorrhoea. In few women leucorrhoea may occur due to sudden emotional changes like joy or fear. Anaemia, any cut in perineum during labour, uterine fibroids and protrusion of uterus from vagina favor leucorrhoea. It may be thick or thin, yellow, cream or white, watery, transparent, sticky, stringy with burning and itching and with offensive odour, changes according to individual body status.

Sometimes the discharge is gushing, is running down to heels, spoiling the patient’s clothes, causing severe cramps in legs. The patients suffering from such type of discharge avoids going out, preferring to stay at home. This tendency leads to mental irritation. If leucorrhoea is burning and acrid in nature it refers this burning towards urine. The patient must take an antiseptic; wash 3 to 4 times a day and should always wear completely dry clothes.

If we want to get rid of leucorrhoea, we should treat the basic cause behind it. In some cases leucorrhoea is the secondary symptom after coition; here the male should be treated. Homoeopathy has lot of wonderful remedies for it but ultimately the medicine selection depends upon individualization because every lady is different from the other.

“I had great results of recovery, when all other pathies failed Homeopathy was a knight in shinning armour”

Yugal Mishra


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