While reducing weight, patience is necessary. Homoeopathy is rich with every kind of medicines. Some homoeopathic drugs help to burn extra fat; the dysfunction of thyroid gland, diabetes, hormonal imbalancing, disturbed menses etc. are also responsible for weight gain. Homoeopathy believes in treating the root causes, that is obesity first.

PREVIOUSLY obesity was considered as a sign of prosperity but now-a-days people have become very conscious about their health and now everybody knows how obesity opens the door for major diseases. Obesity itself is a disease and it gives birth to many more disease. When the weight is more than the ratio of height, it is considered as obesity. The weight at the age of 25 yrs is considered as, ideal weight for a person.

We all know that a light weight vehicle has more average and the same few are applied to the body. An obese person has to carry an extra load for life long and in return he is not honored with awards but gets a package of lot of disease. Diabetes, cardiac disease and rheumatism is observed more in fat people, extra fat collection in the body causes obesity. Eating and sitting is a part of our fast life, style which is responsible for obesity. We eat every type of food and sit for long time in our offices which slows down the metabolism and allow the fat to deposite more . Diet restriction and exercise can help you till some extent as exercise expand the muscles and this expansion food and for the long time in our offices which show down the metabolism and allow the fat to deposit more. Diet process, burns extra fat drugs in the body.  The cellulose and carbohydrate are two main factors which deposits more fat. 1gm cellulose i.e. near about 9 kcal –if it not dissolved early 97%of cellulose converts in fats.

Our body gets 8000 kcal from 1kg cellulose. Now it depends on us that how much fat we can burn. While reducing the weight patience is very necessary. We should reduce 500 gm in one week, fast weight reduction by any means is not advisable as it as lot of adverse effects on our body metabolism.

Weight should be reduced with patience like tortoise –slow but steady. Homoeopathy is rich with every kind of medicines. Some homoeopathy drugs helps to burns extra fat; the dysfunction of thyroid gland, diabetes, hormonal imbalancing, disturbed menses etc. are also responsible for weight gaining. Homoeopathy believes in treating the root causes, which favors obesity first. Few patients suffer from obesity due to their dullness and laziness. Few ladies have tendency of water retention and hence suffer from Anasarca i.e. general, swelling of body. According to American Health journals, ladies become more obese when they are in depression. Homoeopathy considers a person made up of trinity in mind, body and soul .A well-selected constitutional drug after considering his mental and physical plane homoeopathy strengthens the constitution and improves the immunity and in obese person it helps to nullify the basic causes and to burn the extra fat without disturbing the metabolism.

“I had great results of recovery, when all other pathies failed Homeopathy was a knight in shinning armour”

Yugal Mishra


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