NOW – A – DAYS piles has becomes ATM card for the persons who sale jadi-buti on road side. You can see the advertisement “100% result in piles ” on the walls in city. The sufferer jump from one place to another. But what is the piles, what is the mechanism behind it? Is yet unknown to layman .Piles is not a diseases but symptoms only, so the basic causes should be treated not the symptoms. If you will just break leaves of the plant but leaves roots there then what will happen? New leaves will again grow up so we must remove the root of the diseases and obviously homoeopathy has the mastery in cleaning the disease by the root .Piles is a disease which has recurrence even after surgery. The grape like growth at anal opening is basically the out word symptom of the disease the exact mechanism behind it is tendency of constipation. If the stool remains for long time in the bowel it creates heat there, the forth coming results is the weakness in the internal walls of bowels. As soon as bowels get even a slight injury the oozing of blood starts. This collection of blood clots and converts in grapes lick structure, that is what you call as piles as haemorrhoids. It has two types one is bleeding Piles which is associated with bleedingand another one is blind piles. To get rid of Piles patient must take semisolid food so that he can avoid constipation and he must consume 3-4lit. Water daily. Few dilatory changes can benefit you but in chronic cases heat in bowels make the stool dry, here you need medication. In this patient a grape lick growth occurs at anus associated with severe pain, burning and itching. If bleeding is profuse, patient needs hospitalization, otherwise hypovolumia can occurs due to loss of vital fluids. In few cases if blood oozing persists, this can spoil the clothes. Homoeopathy’s golden rule is to treat the disease gently and permanent because of “Na Rahega Bans, Na Bajegi Bansuri”.

“I had great results of recovery, when all other pathies failed Homeopathy was a knight in shinning armour”

Yugal Mishra


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