Weakness of memory is not a disease, but it is an indicating symptom, one should not neglect it, according to Homoeopathy, any disorder can occurs only after overuse of that particular part or mental disease.

Everyday Anshu gets scolding by his teacher for his forgetfulness. He is not a duffer but suddenly he suffers from a blank mind for few things. Radha is very active and smart lady working in a multinational company; she can recognize people by face but cannot recollect their names. Why it happens? What is the cause behind it?

Why we forget our day to day work? Why the mind is not able to recollect few things at required time? Theses all facts are due to weakness of memory and memory is the soul of the brain. It is the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experiences. When we forget anything that is the mal-function of memory. Weakness of memory is quite different from forgetfulness. On the broad spectrum, it looks similar but there is a little difference. Weakness of memory is an automatic process but forgetfulness sometimes may be due to abstraction of mind and lack of concentration. There are many examples of weakness of memory.

Rajan is victim of weak memory for his routine business. Anita has very good memory but to remember dates and names is really difficult for her. Umesh has weak memory for what he has done to. Kalpana is not able to recollect immediately what she has just done. Different people have different experiences of weak memory.

There may be weak memory for what has happened, for persons, for place, for time, for what has just thought, for words while talking for what is about so say, for what has read, for what is about to write, for what has written and even for where the things are kept. A lady keeps her precious ornaments in locker very carefully but when it is required, she is not able to remember where the keys are kept. Why the memory becomes weak?

Actually brain has a centre of memory which retains and recalls the past experience. According to homeopathy science, when we do the abuse of anything it gets weak. When we continuously use the brain it is exerted, it needs proper peace. In today’s life style, we have lot of things to do and to memories.

These thoughts and planning automatically overload the brain, we cannot escape from this reality but we can strengthen our memory so that it won’t be hurtled by any overloading. Weakness of memory is not a disease, but it is an indicating symptom, one should not neglect it. According to Homeopathy, any disorder can occurs only after overuse of that particular part or mental disease. As Homeopathy pays more importance to mental symptoms, it considers weakness of memory due to suppression of emotions, anger, grief or another feeling. Any physical trauma or head injury can hammer the memory. As homeopathy follows individualization, it has lot of remedies according to patient’s history and the weakness of memory for particular things. In Homeopathy the medicine is selected on the basis of constitution, and psychology of the patient and it works very effectively on the mind and shows a lot of improvement in memory.

“I had great results of recovery, when all other pathies failed Homeopathy was a knight in shinning armour”

Yugal Mishra


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