One day Mr.sachin entered my consultancy with big red elevated spots all over the body.It had great itching and burning.He had tried lot of anti-allergic for this skin trouble but
One day Mr.sachin entered my consultancy with big red elevated spots all over the body.It had great itching and burning.He had tried lot of anti-allergic for this skin trouble but
A 45 year old female patient entered in my chamber with tears in her eyes.She had great anxiety,uneasiness & was not able to sleep at night , talking continuously without
A 45 year aged man when met me first time in my clinic said “Look doctor ,i am suffering from very difficult bowels with long time to evacuate and i
What is Homoeopathy? Homoeopathy = Homoeo + Pathy = Similar + Sufferings = A Pathy which is based on the laws “ Similar Cures Similar “. 1) Homoeopathy is expression and not the suppression,it throws the disease outside the body
A 45 year old female patient entered in my chamber with tears in her eyes.She had great anxiety,uneasiness & was not able to sleep at night , talking continuously without