Join us for an enlightening seminar on Homeopathy with renowned expert Dr. Kavita Chandak in Russia! Discover the power of holistic healing, gain valuable insights, and explore the latest advancements in homeopathic medicine. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a distinguished specialist and enhance your knowledge.

Day 1




A. Know the real horizon of Bowel Nosodes

  • Use of Bowel Nosodes to remove the blockage in healing.
  • Classification/ types.
  • Themes and essence of Bowel nosodes.
  • Keynote indications, dosage and repetition, potency selection.
  • Materia medica with a video case example.
  • Similarities between Bowel nosodes and homeopathic drug pictures.
  • Miasmatic connection of Bowel nosodes.
  • Is bowel nosode an answer for antibiotics?
  • Use of specific bowel nosode to fight with particular bacteria.
  • Relation of Bowel nosodes with Psychiatry/Autism/ ADHD.
  • Role of Bowel nosodes in heart affection, neurology, Kidney disorders, paediatrics and dermatology.
  • Migraine and Bowel Nosodes
  • Study Comparative Matria Medica
  • Bowel nosode in duodenal ulcer
  • Bowel nosode and constitution
  • Bowel nosode in Varicose veins and Raynaud’s disease
  • Bowel nosodes in side effects of laser
  • Prevent premature aging / greying of hairs with bowel nosode
  • Bowel nosode in bed wetting 

B. Dermatology and homeopathy

Obstinate Eczema was treated with homeopathy in just eight months. (video case)

Day 2


A. Clinical application of Miasm for rapid healing.

-How to derive the miasm from the case?

B. The secret of success in Respiratory diseases / Asthma.

C. Utilize miasms for better treatment in homeopathic practice.

D. Views of different stalwarts regarding miasms.

-Kent’s view  on  Hahnemann’s understanding of miasmic layers

-H.C. Allen

E. Learn the unique method and strategy to quick success from stalwarts.

F. Clinical importance of Organon .

G. Importance of Grades in Repertory.

-Why there are different fonts in Repertory?

H. Is a single remedy sufficient to cure?

I. The relation between constitution and miasm.

J. Development/ journey of sycosis miasm.

K. Approach to treat sycosis miasm.

-When sycosis is complicated with psora.

-When sycosis is complicated with developed psora and developed syphilis.

L. Materia medica of the sycotic drug picture with video presentation.

 Medorrhinum personality and its multiple dimensions- ‘I want my own sky!’

M. Medorrhinum –A new perspective on Attention Deficit hyperactive Disorder

N. Explanation of sycosis with the study of its manifestation on different body parts as well mind.

O. A grade anti sycotic remedies.


Day 3


A. Approaches to handle hormonal dyscrasia at all milestones of womanhood.

B. An Introduction to Gynaecology and its practical application.

  • Puberty
  • Menstruation, its irregularity and Homeopathic management.
  • Menarchae- delay of the first menstruation.
  • Abnormality at menarchae.
  • Menstruation and the general health.
  • Side effects of delaying periods with medicines
  • Deficient menstruation/ Oligomenorrhoea

C. Amenorrhoea and general ill-health

  • Rubrics and Homeopathic Management.

D. Menopause- Homeopathic management.

E. A video case of Hormonal Imbalance beautifully managed with Homeopathy.

F. Dysmenorrhoea-

  • Homeopathic management
  • Clinical Case presentation.

 G. Case-taking strategy for Gynaecology.

H. Homeopathic approach in congenital diseases.

 I. Does a Caesarean section make a difference in the female body?

J. What are the risks of forceps and vacuum-assisted delivery to the mother and child?

 K. The Importance of balancing male and female energy.

 L. The study of the body’s own substance.

  • Pitutrinum
  • Cortisol

M. Meet a drama queen of Materia Medica!