If A fair has mole on the face then it is known as beauty spot but if one has lot of black spot on the face then it is definitely, not the beauty, but a fact which embarrasses you a lot after all face have cosmetic value. Actually these spots are known as moth’s spot or chloasma. In the pregnant lady, there are lots of changes in the body. Few hormones during pregnancy stimulate the melamine pigmentation which is responsible for darkening of the skin. This melamine deposits mainly on the skin of cheeks, nose and neck. After labor the spot disappears by itself. Sometimes the hormones in the contraceptive pills or injections may stimulate melamine pigmentation
In few hypersensitive individual there is moth’s spot due to intolerance to be particular perfume. As soon as the use of that perfume is stopped the spot start disappearing. In few ladies, moth spots can be observed during menopause due to hormonal changes. We cannot clear these moth spots with the help of any external cream or lotion.
Homoeopathy can definitely help you to clear the skin with wonderful remedies. Our skin has five layers. As per law of Homoeopathy there should not be any medicated external application for any kind of discoloration or itching as it may suppress them towards the inner layer of skin. Homoeopathy is scientific system of medicine which believes in throwing disease away from the body and not inside the body. So that disease can be treated from the roots and provides permanent relief.
“I had great results of recovery, when all other pathies failed Homeopathy was a knight in shinning armour”
Yugal Mishra
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