• Dr. Kavita Chandak’s Homeo consultancy is offering online consultations with its
    doctors (registered medical practitioners under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956
    and hereinafter referred to as “Medical Practitioner- Dr. Kavita Chandak by way of
    arranged through its website www.drkavitachandak.com. To avail such Telemedicine
    Services, patients are to register themselves and schedule an appointment by
    following the registration, consent and scheduling process by clicking the link
    provided here.
    The Telemedicine Services available on the Website do not in any way constitute an
    invitation or recommendation to avail such services. The Telemedicine Services
    provided through the Website are not intended in any way to be a substitute to in-
    person consultation with a Medical Practitioner, as Telemedicine Services have
    certain inherent and intrinsic limitations. We advise and request you, the users, to
    make independent assessment in respect of accuracy, usefulness and suitability of
    the Telemedicine Services prior to making any decision to rely on such Telemedicine
    This document contains all the terms and conditions applicable to, and governing,
    the provision of Telemedicine Services by the relevant Dr. Chandak’s entity, i.e., Dr.
    Chandak’s homeo consultancy, the case may be, and the relevant Medical
    Practitioner to you, including the terms and conditions applicable to booking of an
    appointment, cancellations, refund and all other transactions in connection with
    Telemedicine Services(“Telemedicine Terms and Conditions” mentioned at
    website [https://drkavitachandak.com] for the purposes of Telemedicine
    Services is regulated by these Telemedicine Terms and Conditions read with the
    terms of use provided at [https://drkavitachandak.com/terms-of-use/ and the
    privacy policy provided at [https://drkavitachandak.com/privacy-policy/]
    For the purpose of these Telemedicine Terms and Conditions, wherever the context
    so requires;(i) “we” or “us” means the relevant Dr. Chandak’s entity, as the case may
    be, in each case, including the successors, successors-in-interest, liquidators,
    administrators and assigns of such entities, and the relevant Medical Practitioner;
    and (ii) “you” means: (a)the relevant patient, or (b) user of the Website, both
    registered or unregistered, whether browsing through the Website or availing any of
    the Telemedicine Services available on the Website, in each case, including his / her
    legal heirs, administrators and executors. Correlative terms such as “our” and “your”
    will be construed in accordance with these definitions.
    Your visit, access, reliance on and usage of the Website and, or, scheduling or
    availing any of the Telemedicine Services will be treated as your unconditional

    acceptance of these Telemedicine Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use and Privacy
    Policy in their entirety. These Telemedicine Terms and Conditions read with the
    Terms of Use and Privacy Policy together constitute legally binding and enforceable
    agreement between you and us. This Agreement is published in compliance of, and
    is governed by the provisions of the laws of India, including but not limited to the
    Indian Contract Act, 1872, and the (Indian) Information Technology Act, 2000, as
    amended from time to time.
    In this Agreement, “you” and “us” may be referred to collectively as “Parties” and
    individually as a “Party”.
    1. Eligibility
    o You must be 18 (eighteen) years of age or older to register for, and, or, use,
    Telemedicine Services.
    o Telemedicine Services are available for use for children / minors, but the
    registered member for all patients under the age of 18 (eighteen) must be the
    patient’s parent or legal guardian who has custody over the relevant minor and
    are in each case legally permitted to provide appropriate consent for
    Telemedicine Services or other medical services to be rendered to the relevant
    minor. If you register as the parent or legal guardian on behalf of a minor, you are
    fully responsible for complying with this Agreement. In case of a minor, use of the
    Telemedicine Services will only be permitted if such a minor is accompanied by
    the relevant adult who undertook the registration on behalf of such a minor,
    during the entire process of provisioning of the Telemedicine Services to the
    relevant minor. Only parents and other persons permitted under applicable law to
    have legal custody over the relevant minor and legally permitted to provide
    appropriate consent for Telemedicine Services or other medical services to be
    rendered to the relevant minor can undertake a registration on behalf of the
    relevant minor.
    2. Consent
    o You acknowledge and agree that, by following the Registration Process, you
    provide your explicit consent to avail the Telemedicine Services. The consent
    provided as part of the Registration Process is unconditional, irrevocable and will
    form the basis for us providing you the Telemedicine Services, and will also form
    a part of your medical records.
    o You acknowledge and agree that by availing any Telemedicine Services, you
    unconditionally and irrevocably provide your consent for us or our representatives
    to contact you by telephone, text message or any other mode of communication
    in relation to the Telemedicine Services availed, as well as for promotion of our
    services and products, notwithstanding the fact that such telephone number may
    be registered with a ‘do not disturb’/ ‘do not contact’ registry.
    3. Availability and Scheduling of Telemedicine Services
    o The Telemedicine Services will be available across all specialties and will be
    rendered through specified Medical Practitioners, who will be chosen by us based
    on their specialization, your language preference and the availability and
    willingness of the relevant Medical Practitioner to provide Telemedicine Services.
    o If you are an existing patient, you have the option to, at the time of scheduling the
    appointment, request for a specific Medical Practitioner who has provided you
    medical services in the past. However, consultation from a specific Medical

    Practitioner is subject to the availability and willingness of the relevant Medical
    Practitioner to provide you such medical service and is at the sole discretion of
    the Medical Practitioner. If you are availing services from us for the first time, or if
    you have not availed services from us for 6 (six) months or more prior to the date
    of availing Telemedicine Services, or if you are consulting the same Medical
    Practitioner for a different ailment, your consultation will be deemed to be the first
    consultation. Thereafter any consultation within 6 (six) months of the previous
    consultation will be deemed to be a follow-up consultation if it is for the same
    health condition.
    o Confirmation of your appointment with a specific Medical Practitioner, as per
    availability, will be sent to you via SMS and, or, email to your registered mobile
    number or email address, as the case may be. We reserve the right to
    reschedule or cancel an appointment without any prior notice. The time provided
    for availing Telemedicine Services is indicative and the actual time may change
    depending on the Medical Practitioner’s discretion / availability and you will be
    notified of such change via SMS and, or, email to your registered mobile number
    or email address, as the case may be.
    o The Medical Practitioner is entitled to, at his / her sole discretion, take a decision
    based on the information provided by you, and either prior to or at the time of
    availing the Telemedicine Services, that the relevant medical services will not be
    provided through online consultation and may choose not to proceed with
    rendering the Telemedicine Service at any point in time and suggest an in-person
    o At any stage, you have the right to choose to discontinue the Telemedicine
    Services but refunds, if any, will be processed only in accordance with the
    provisions of clause 6 of this Agreement.
    o [You are entitled to reschedule or cancel your scheduled appointment for the
    Telemedicine Services, within the time limits stipulated below and by following
    the process set out in the registration page. Cancellations and rescheduling of
    appointment is to the relevant cancellation and rescheduling fees mentioned
    below. Further, any and all refunds are subject to the conditions set out below:
    4. Information and Documents
    o Please provide your language preference, along with all relevant information such
    as medical, health and personal information, at the time of completing the
    Registration Process, along with relevant documents in support thereof. Such
    information will include your details, including contact details, medical / case
    history, test / investigation reports, prescriptions, existing patient ID (if any) and
    other relevant details.
    o You are solely responsible for all information and documents provided by you to
    us, whether by uploading it on the Website or otherwise, including all medical,
    health and personal information. You agree and undertake that you will ensure all
    information and documents provided by you are true and correct in all respects.
    The Telemedicine Services and any other medical services provided by us will
    depend upon the information you provide to us.
    o If the information or documents provided by you are, or if we reasonably perceive
    such information or documents to be, false, deceptive, inaccurate or misleading,
    we reserve the right to cancel your appointment, without giving any reasons and
    without assuming any liability whatsoever. You are solely responsible for
    ensuring that all relevant and accurate information and documents are uploaded
    at the time of the Registration Process.

    o We reserve the right to verify, without assuming any obligation or responsibility to
    do so, all information and documents submitted by you, including your age and
    identity and asking for such additional information and documents as we deem
    necessary in our sole discretion to verify your name, age, address, email
    address, phone number, medical / case history or any other relevant details, and
    you hereby acknowledge and agree that you will provide all such additional
    information and documents required by us promptly by uploading the same on
    the Website. In case of delay in uploading such additional information and
    documents required by us, we reserve the right to cancel your appointment,
    without giving any reasons and without assuming any liability whatsoever.
    5. Scope and limitation of Telemedicine Services, Equipment and Connectivity
    o Telemedicine Services are not intended to replace in-person consultation with the
    Medical Practitioner. Telemedicine Services will be rendered subject solely to the
    professional judgment and discretion of the Medical Practitioner. The
    Telemedicine Services will be provided by the relevant Medical Practitioner
    , using suitable mobile application or internet based digital platforms, including
    third party platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Skype. If the
    Medical Practitioner providing you Telemedicine Services does not inform you
    about his/her name and qualifications, please ask for all such details prior to the
    start of the consultation.
    o We reserve the right to record all interactions between you and the relevant
    Medical Practitioner(including video interaction logs, email records, chat/ text
    record, etc.), and maintain logs and records of such interaction. We will maintain
    all patient records including case history, investigation reports, images, etc. As
    we deem appropriate in our sole discretion.
    o Telemedicine Services are not meant to be availed for any emergency conditions.
    In such cases, you are advised to physically visit the nearest hospital. In the
    event you consult a Medical Practitioner by availing Telemedicine Services for an
    emergency condition, such Medical Practitioner may only provide opinions limited
    to first aid, other temporary measures, counseling and advice of referral to any
    other medical practitioner, including advising an in-person visit to such medical
    practitioner or the nearest hospital.
    o The professional judgment of a Medical Practitioner is the guiding principle for all
    Telemedicine Services. A Medical Practitioner is reasonably well positioned to
    decide whether a technology based consultation is sufficient or an in-person
    review is needed, based on the circumstances and information provided. The
    Medical Practitioner will use his / her best judgment to prescribe medicines to
    you, as applicable, pursuant to providing your age and other details as may be
    required. However, the Medical Practitioner will not prescribe drugs which he
    cannot prescribe as per applicable laws through online consultations. A scanned
    copy of the prescription will be shared with you via SMS and, or, email to your
    registered mobile number or email address, as the case may be, and we are not
    held liable for any issues arising out of any such prescription. You may also
    collect the original prescription from us if required, or the same may be posted to
    your registered address, on your request and your cost.

    o You are responsible for arrangement of such equipment as required for the
    relevant Telemedicine Service to be availed by you. In case of inadequate
    equipment or a technical error / defective internet connection, we reserve the
    right to reschedule or cancel the appointment without any notice.
    o You acknowledge and agree that interactions through has certain inherent and
    intrinsic limitations, which may have an impact on the treatment prescribed by the
    Medical Practitioner. Such limitations include insufficient quality of information
    transmitted, delays in evaluation that could occur due to failure of the electronic
    equipment, lack of access to all medical records resulting in adverse drug
    reactions or allergic reactions or other judgment errors. You acknowledge and
    agree that there will not be any physical examination involved while providing
    Telemedicine Services and such services will be provided remotely. The opinion
    delivered by the Medical Practitioner will be solely be based on the verbal
    communication between you and the Medical Practitioner and the test reports
    and other information provided by you to us. While there is no physical
    examination involved while providing Telemedicine Services, if a physical
    examination is deemed critical by the relevant Medical Practitioner for a proper
    consultation, the Medical Practitioner may not proceed with the online consolation
    and may request for a physical examination to be arranged through an in-person
    6. Payments and Refunds
    o [You are required to make payment of the consultation charges for the
    Telemedicine Services through the Website prior to such Telemedicine Services
    being provided to you. We offer you online mode of payment. You may use
    internet banking or debit/credit card for making payment of the consultation
    charges. An invoice for the fee paid will be sent to you via SMS and, or, email to
    your registered mobile number or email address, as the case may be. The
    Website has suitable facilities for receiving online payments through third party
    gateways. You will be directed to a third party gateway to enable the processing
    of the payment. All payment related transactions are governed by the terms and
    conditions and privacy policy of the relevant third party payment gateway.]
    o While availing any of the payment methods available on the Website, we are not
    be responsible for, or assume any liability whatsoever in respect of, any loss or
    damage arising directly or indirectly to you due to: (i) lack of authorization for any
    transaction, (ii) exceeding the preset limit mutually agreed by you and between
    the relevant bank, (iii) any payment issues arising out of the transaction, or (iv)
    any transaction being declined or notbeing completed or unable to be completed
    for any other reason; (v) any failure on part of the bank or the credit card, or the
    third party site or agency to perform any of its obligations; (vi) any loss or damage
    arising directly or indirectly out of the decline or acceptance of authorization for
    any transaction, for any reason whatsoever; or (viii) incorrect or inaccurate bank,
    credit / debit card details provided by you.
    o You have the option to reschedule or cancel a booked appointment for availing
    Telemedicine Services, in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in
    the refunds and cancellations provision set out in clause 5 above. All
    rescheduling, cancellations and refunds will be proceeded with, based on a
    request made by you [by clicking on the cancellation button provided in the your
    user dashboard in your account] or through an email sent by you to
    [info@dragarwal.com], in each case, prior to the commencement of the relevant
    online consultation session. Refunds will be provided based on the genuineness

    of such request and our ability to track such request and cancel the appointment
    with the relevant Medial Practitioner. You are not entitled to make refund
    requests against delays, nature of advice obtained, efficacy of treatment
    prescribed or health outcomes pursuant to availing Telemedicine Services.
    Refunds will be processed within [Insert time period working days from the
    receipt of a request from you.
    o We reserve our right to modify or implement new pricing structures at any time
    prior to completion of billing or for future payments.
    7. Privacy and Security
    o The information and documents provided by you, including your medical, health
    and personal information can be retained by us without any limitation and can be
    used for: (i) the purpose of providing medical services to you, including
    Telemedicine Services, (ii) analysis, research and training purposes, (iii)
    disclosure to our affiliates, agents and government authorities, and (iv) for such
    other purposes as we deem fit in our sole discretion, provided such use is without
    revealing your identity.
    o We use secure encryption technology to keep your information safe and secured
    at all time and we are committed towards maintaining the privacy of the
    information uploaded by you on the Website, which complies with the industry
    standard security safeguards for the purpose of securing the Website and the
    information provided by you.
    o We uses all reasonable endeavors to ensure the integrity and security of the
    Website and the online payment facility provided on the Website. Despite our
    endeavors, breaches of security and confidentiality could occur. You
    acknowledge that we are not liable for any loss suffered by you as a result of any
    breaches in security or technology breaches.
    8. [Cookies
    The Website uses “cookies”. Cookies are small data files that a website stores on
    your web browser. These are used for the purpose of storing your preferences,
    previous browsing activities, profiling and tracking your behavior on the website. By
    visiting the Website you acknowledge, accept and expressly authorize us for the
    placement of cookies on your web browser.
    9. Intellectual Property Rights
    We own the Dr. Kavita Chandak brand name and the Website, as well as all
    intellectual property rights contained on the Website, including all trademarks, trade
    names, tag lines, logos, programs, processes, designs, software, technologies,
    inventions and materials therein and all the services offered by the Medical
    Practitioners on the Website. You are not permitted to use the content available on
    the Website without our prior written permission.
    10. Representations and Warranties
    You represent and warrant to us that: (i) you have the full legal right, power and
    authority to enter into, deliver and perform this Agreement, and that you will observe

    and perform, duly and punctually, its obligations, covenants, terms, conditions and
    undertakings hereunder; (ii) this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation
    on you, enforceable against you in accordance with its terms; and (iii) the execution,
    delivery and performance of this Agreement does not constitute a breach or default
    of, or violate, any applicable laws.
    11. Limitation of Liability
    o You acknowledge and agree that the Telemedicine Service has certain inherent
    limitations as there is no physical examination or in-person consultation. In the
    event of any adverse event, faulty judgment, interpretation error, perception error,
    misdiagnosis, inefficacy of prescribed treatment, validity of the advice or
    prescription provided by the Medical Practitioner in your jurisdiction or
    unavailability of the recommended or prescribed treatment or medication, wearer
    not liable for the same, under any condition or circumstances, either in contract,
    law or equity.
    o Wearer not liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or
    consequential losses or damages, including without limitation, losses and
    damages arising in relation to loss of data or profits, arising out of, or in
    connection with, the use of the Website or availing Telemedicine Services.
    o We provide Telemedicine Services on “as is” basis and we expressly disclaim all
    representations, warranties, indemnities or conditions of any kind, either express
    or implied, as to the Telemedicine Services provided, the ownership and
    operation of the website, and the information, content, service provided through
    or in connection with the Website.
    o In no event are we responsible for any third party misuse for the data and for any
    acts, deeds and circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including security
    and data theft.
    12. Indemnity
    You agree and undertake to indemnify and keep us and the concerned Medical
    Practitioner indemnified against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, costs and
    expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, that we or the concerned Medical
    Practitioner may incur or suffer on account of, in relation to, or arising from, (i) your
    use of the Website and, or, availing or attempting to avail Telemedicine Services
    from us; (ii) any misrepresentation, inaccuracy in or breach of any of the
    representations and warranties made by you under this Agreement or any breach by
    you of any term, covenant, undertaking or obligation contained in this Agreement
    and, or, breach of applicable laws; (iii) your failure to provide, in a timely manner,
    true, correct and complete information and documents; (iv) suppression of material
    facts by you or failure to provide relevant information and documents to us; (v) your
    failure to follow the directions / advice / prescription of the Medical Practitioner; (vi)
    incorrect or inaccurate payment details provided by you and, or, use of a bank
    account, credit / debit card which is not lawfully owned by you; and (vii) permitting a
    third party to use / access your account.
    13. Termination

    We reserve the right to terminate the Telemedicine Services at any time without any
    notice, and for cause or without cause. We also reserve the right to refuse the
    provisioning of Telemedicine Services in case your conduct is deemed by us, in our
    sole discretion, to be in contravention of applicable laws or acceptable ethical or
    moral standards or if the information or documents provided by you is, or if we
    reasonably perceive such information or documents to be, false, deceptive,
    inaccurate or misleading.
    14. Amendment of Telemedicine Terms and Conditions
    These Telemedicine Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time, without
    any prior notification to you. Please review the latest version of these Telemedicine
    Terms and Conditions available on the Website prior to availing any Telemedicine
    Service. If you avail or continue to avail Telemedicine Services, it is deemed that you
    have read and agree to abide by the modified Terms of Telemedicine Service
    effective available on the Website on the date of availing of such services.
    15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    This Agreement, and all questions of its interpretation, are governed by the laws of
    India, and the courts at Nagpur have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute
    arising out of, involving or relating to, or in connection with, this Agreement or the
    interpretation of any provisions of this Agreement, or the breach, termination or
    invalidity thereof.
    16. Miscellaneous
    o [The Telemedicine Services will be provided to patients all over the world.
    o The Parties agree that, having regard to all the circumstances, the covenants
    contained in this Agreement are reasonable and necessary for the protection of
    the Parties. If any such covenant is held to be void as going beyond what is
    reasonable in all the circumstances, but would be valid if amended as to scope or
    duration or both, the covenant will apply with such minimum modifications
    regarding its scope and duration as may be necessary to make it valid and
    o The provisions contained in this Agreement are enforceable independent of each
    of the other provisions and its validity does not be affected if any of the other
    provisions are invalid. In case of any ambiguity or conflict between the provisions
    of this Agreement, such provisions should be read in a harmonious manner so as
    to ensure that none of the provisions of this Agreement become superfluous or
    redundant. However, if any of those provisions are void but would be valid if
    some part of the provision were deleted, the provision in question will apply with
    such modification as may be necessary to make it valid.
    o Nothing in this Agreement is to be interpreted or construed to create an
    association or partnership between the Parties, deem them to be Persons acting
    in concert or to impose any liability attributable to such relationship upon any of

    the Parties nor to constitute any Party as the agent of any of the other Parties for
    any purpose.
    o This Agreement constitutes the whole agreement between the Parties.
    This Agreement is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act,
    2000 and the rules thereunder as applicable and amended from time to time. This
    electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any
    physical or digital signatures. Please read this Agreement carefully and if you are not
    agreeable to any terms and condition contained herein then please do not proceed
    further. By clicking on “I Agree” button provided below and proceeding further, you
    signify that you have read through, understood and unconditionally and irrevocably
    accepted the terms and conditions set out in these Telemedicine Terms and
    Conditions, and the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in their entirety. You must
    agree to the above terms and conditions in order to avail the Telemedicine Services
    through the Website. If you have any queries or need any clarification or assistance
    please contact us at [drkavitachandak@gmail.com].

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