Our Medical Blog

We want to educate the readers about their health so they’ll be able to lead a healthy life

Homeopathic approach to handle sexuality, fertility and hormones

Let us discuss two case studies.   1. A case of Suppressed sexuality with suicidal disposition-solved with Homeopathy.   Case study- A 38 years old lady visited me with her husband in August 2017. Chief complaints were- extreme irritability, paranoid thoughts,...

What is Allergy ?

ALL chronic disease in the world is originated from allergy. Our defense mechanism distinguishes foreign particle and bacteria and tries to overcome them. It doesn’t allow the external practical to enter our body directly. This external practical is called Antigen. As...

Stammering Speech

K-K-K-Kiran, we heard this dialogue in the movie for many times. In day to day life we meet many people suffering form stammering speech .stammering is not only a symptom but it is a disease related with tongue and mind, because when person is not able to express...

Hyperactivity Problems

To be active is good, to be more active is better, but to be hyperactive is certainly not good. Hyperactive is an unusual activity of mind and body. It is nature’s law that everything should be within the limit. An active child is always appreciated, but when his...

Varicose Veins

THERE was an old Hindi song “Pao padte nahin..hai Jami par mere”   this was due to excitement but we also have a similar disease with us named varicose veins where patient is really not able to stand for long time on his legs due to severe pain in his lower limb . The...


IN OUR day to day life, we use the word sweating for many a times. But what is sweating? Is it necessary to sweat? Why is it important? Actually sweat is the toxicity of the body. Profuse as well as scanty perspiration, both are abnormal. Vaishali suffers from profuse...


NOW – A – DAYS piles has becomes ATM card for the persons who sale jadi-buti on road side. You can see the advertisement “100% result in piles ” on the walls in city. The sufferer jump from one place to another. But what is the piles, what is the mechanism behind it?...


YESTERDAY Madhav has been literally expelled out from his bedroom by his wife due to his severe and loud snoring. Have you ever thought that a person who breaths soundless when he is not sleeping then why he has a loud snoring during sleep? The basic causes are nasal...


ONE day Radha suddenly fell down and her left side paralyzed. Then she was admitted in hospital. She was not able to talk or drink or do anything. She was unconscious. Her blood pressure was very low. As she was just 40 but had diabetes since last 7-8 years, which had...

Thumb Sucking

“MONU take out the thumb from mouth.” Smita has to repeat this sentence many times a day. Her son Monu, 10 yrs old is habitual of thumb sucking. She feels very shameful due to this habit. Actually thumb sucking is the indication of mental irritability of the child....


TEARS our old and true friends! In human life everybody has to shed tears on this or that occasion, and why only humans? Animals also shed tears to express their feelings. Tears are the language of emotions, whether it may be sorrow, pain, excitement or joy. Everybody...


Pain in any part of the body can be tolerable except head. Head is the king of the body. There are many type of headache but migraine is the most severe one. It is the mostly a hereditary problem. Frequent attacks of pain, vomiting and shining stars in front of eyes...


In our day to day life we have lots of incidences related with types of fears. We can see or hear many cases of fear and we sometimes experience it. But what is fear exactly? It’s yet not known to us. Fear is the reflection of our suppressed emotions. The feelings...


Yesterday night Radha had severe abdominal pain due to kidney stones. A stone or calculus may be found in the kidney, ureter or bladder. It consists of a nucleus of organic material around which salts are deposited in layers. Normal urine contains many crystalloids...

Let Me Sleep Please !

Riya is able to do her routine with very less sleep but generally 7-8 hrs. Sleep is the basic requirement. A fresh and complete sleep provides you a fantastic day but lots of people are victims for unfreshing sleep. Sleeplessness is the indication for any major...

Bed Wetting

Today morning Anita was shouting at her son Jay, aged 12 yrs. For the bed wetting. But she must think that whether Jay is doing it intentionally? No child will do it purposefully. It’s a disease. Bed wetting by children beyond the age when control of urinary bladder...

Kidney Stones

Yesterday night Radha had severe abdominal pain due to kidney stones. A stone or calculus may be found in the kidney, ureter or bladder. It consists of a nucleus of organic material around which salts are deposited in layers. Normal urine contains many crystalloids...


Only woman are blessed with motherhood and the first step towards it is menstruation. It starts at age 12- 13 year and last till the age of 42-46 years duration a lady is able to reproduce. Menstrual cycle is of 28-32 days, it clears the toxicity of the body. When...


Few days ago my sister-in-law has been operated for a Ca Breast it was shocking news for everybody as she is just thirty years old and was totally asymptomatic. Actually any localize swelling  or lump, irrespective of its nature was described as tumour, today tumour...

Ploycystic Ovarian Disease

God’s best creation is woman. A lady has a beautiful constitution and pelvis is the important part of the female body. Pelvis contains uterus, uterine tubes and ovaries. Ankita has a multiple small cysts (a sac containing water) on her ovaries and doctor diagnosed her...


Child psychology is really a big mystery. It is quite difficult to understand the mood of the child even when he has no psychological upsets. Just think how difficult is to understand a child suffering from autism. It is a rare variety of developmental disorder seen...


Riya was getting late for her interview. She was trying her level best to complete the household work fast. As soon as she started for office, suddenly, she had 2-3 sneezes. Oh God! It’s very bad omen, she uttered. Then she went back in the home and spent few minutes...


In every movie there is one villain is always who troubles everybody. We also have one painful villain in our body known as sciatica nerve. Normally there is no pain but when an abnormal pressure due to any pathology in lumber and sacral region works on a part of...


While reducing weight, patience is necessary. Homoeopathy is rich with every kind of medicines. Some homoeopathic drugs help to burn extra fat; the dysfunction of thyroid gland, diabetes, hormonal imbalancing, disturbed menses etc. are also responsible for weight...


FIVE years ago Rahul married to Amruta. Life was fantastic but since last one year their frequency of intercourse became less which made Amruta very irritable. Our busy life style is creating spaces between relations. The ratios of intercourse between the couples are...

Be Alert Rainy Season

As we all enjoy rains with a cup of hot tea or coffee and delicious snacks, we should also alert about the diseases occurring in rainy season. During monsoon, we get contaminated water which causes lot of water borne diseases, such as jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery,...

Gall Bladder

Anita has a trouble of belching with fullness and distention in abdomen. One day she visited me with the complaint of sensation of weight in upper abdomen which is relieves after induced vomiting. When the complete history was taken. I came to know that she has...

Weak Memory

Weakness of memory is not a disease, but it is an indicating symptom, one should not neglect it, according to Homoeopathy, any disorder can occurs only after overuse of that particular part or mental disease. Everyday Anshu gets scolding by his teacher for his...


Anuja is the major victim of anxiety. She gets anxious even at a slight matter. What is anxiety? How it occurs in a particular person? In layman’s language we call it as tension. In today’s life the Ratio of tension is more than even breathing. Mental tension is such...

Tonsils Oh No!

Tonsils are not invited but unavoidable guests of our body. Human body is God’s best creation. Every part of body is useful, nothing is useless. Now –a –days we have a lot of children undergoing tonsilectomy due to frequent tonsilitis. But do you know that removal of...

Say No to Baldness !

Mr. Ramakant is an Advocate by profession. He is 35 years old person with a shining moon on his Occipital. He is suffering from baldness in such an early age. He considers baldness in such an early age. He considers baldness as a result of heavy mental exertion, but...

No Steroids in Homoeopathy

Yesterday a lady patient consulted me regarding her bronchial Asthma. She asked me in a very straight way. Doctor, do you use steroids? I heard that many homoeopaths give steroids for better results. So please don’t use steroids for my treatment as I have read a lot...


Prostitis means inflammation in prostate gland.Prostate is a male gland secrets male hormone. It is made up of fibrous tissues. An acute inflammation of the prostate gland accompanies by high grade fever and rigors. Pair and burning on urination is an associated...

Diabetes Mellitus

Now a day’s India is considered as Diabetes capital. Diabetes has spread worldwide and it is the real cause for many of the other diseases as it lowers your immunity. Types- Type 1- insulin dependent diabetes mellitus where pancreas releases no insulin at all –...


Psoriasis is common and chronic skin disorder with complication, patches of oval shaped red skin covered with silvery scales and inflammation these patches usually found on arms, legs, abdomen, scale or any part of skin. They are usually symmetrical. Ucomplications –...


It is the itchy inflammation with red discolorations of the skin. The skin becomes thick with blisters on it. Symptoms – itching – the most compulsory symptom of eczema, Redness, thickening, blisters and crusts on skin. There are many types of eczema but the two most...


The two most common types are osteoarthritis and phenmatoid arthritis A. Rheumatoid arthritis – inflammation and degenerative changes in synovial membrane of joint. Symptoms – different people experience different symptoms. The most common are joint-pain, swelling,...


Opacity of lenses is known as cataract which causes blurred, doubled, and foggy vision. There may be cloudy vision. Patient is sensitive to light. Complications – impaired vision, blindness and glaucoma. Role of homoeopathy – helpful in every type and every state of...


A ringing , buzzing and whistle like sound heard in the ear due to allergy, changes in blood pressure, tumor, diabetes, thyroid problem and any ( History of) H/O   – head or neck injury of causes uneasiness to the patient."I had great results of recovery, when all...


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from the specific damage to the immune system causes by the HIV – human immune deficiency virus in human beings. Symptoms – frequent fever and sweating aggravation night, swelling...


Paralysis is the complete loss of muscle function for one or more muscle groups. There is loss of feeling in affected area. Causes – damage to brain may be due to head injury or any other infection, stroke guillain-barre syndrome, due to action of poison or few drugs....

Frequent Abortions

Neelam, has conceived for many times, but faced sudden miscarriage every time. Many patients are there who are victims of frequent miscarriages. Actually lot of cause are behind it for examples – tumour in the uterus, relaxed uterine muscles, hypertension caused to...

Enjoy Your Life

Aditya likes to be alone, he tries to avoid people and has become very irritable now a days. He is suffering from sleeplessness, has the feels hunger but does not like any food and so avoids eating. His complaints of constipation and extreme weakness. He suffers from...


Allergic dermatitis means itchy skin. But skin shows allergy only after prolonged exposure to it, this is due to our resistance power. The most common allergens are nickel, rubber, perfumes, iron etc. Sometimes skin become allergic to particular vegetables and flowers...


Radha is now 17 years old girl but still she doesn’t menstruate and this is readily a high risk matter for her future. Absence of menses during reproductive life is termed as Amenorrhoea. It is a symptom and not a disease itself. It is divided into – 1.    Pseudo...


NORMALLY white color is considered as a sign of peace but sometimes it can be associated with trouble. Actually leucorrhoea is white discharge associated with females. It contains excessive leucocytes. It is non purulent discharge. Vaginal infection is the commonest...

Moth’s Spots

If A fair has mole on the face then it is known as beauty spot but if one has lot of black spot on the face then it is definitely, not the beauty, but a fact which embarrasses you a lot after all face have cosmetic value. Actually these spots are known as moth’s spot...

Study -Oh No !

To achieve something in life we must study hard but many children, no I think almost every child feel it as a bore job, but still they have to do it. By practice gradually children start writing and learning, if they face any major difficulty in learning and...


WE ALL enjoy the rain with hot coffee, corn lot of delicious food, but at the same time we should be alert about the disease prominently occurring in rainy season. In monsoon, water is usually contaminated causing lot of water-born and other disease. We find jaundice,...

Take care of your kidneys

YESTERDAY I visited a patient of chronic renal failure, admitted in hospital since last 10 days.He is on dialysis. All investigations are severe pathology and now he is struggling for life. But what about cure? Is it possible at this stage?No. To achieve a perfect...

Know more about Squint

When a car loses its aligment it does not run properly in straight direction isn’t it? The same happens with eyes, when there is misalignment in two eyes, the botheyes cannot look in same direction and that is known as Squint.This alignment may get disturb constantly...

Get rid of Dandruff

THE Mayas have taken cocoa seeds with them on their migration to South. They settled in the land which were eventually dominated by the Aztec. The Aztec were a vase, empire of the worshippers of the sun and of the plumed serpent; the God `Quetzalcoatr founder of the...

Chocolate : is it medicine?

THE Mayas have taken cocoa seeds with them on their migration to South. They settled in the land which were eventually dominated by the Aztec. The Aztec were a vase, empire of the worshippers of the sun and of the plumed serpent; the God `Quetzalcoatr founder of the...


One day Mr.sachin entered my consultancy with big red elevated spots all over the body.It had great itching and burning.He had tried lot of anti-allergic for this skin trouble but got temporary relief.When i was recording his history he was putting caps on pens kept...


A 45 year old female patient entered in my chamber with tears in her eyes.She had great anxiety,uneasiness & was not able to sleep at night , talking continuously without head and tail, very suspicious with negative attitude ,even doubtful about recovery asking...


A 45 year old female patient entered in my chamber with tears in her eyes.She had great anxiety,uneasiness & was not able to sleep at night , talking continuously without head and tail, very suspicious with negative attitude ,even doubtful about recovery asking...


A 45 year aged man when met me first time in my clinic said “Look doctor ,i am suffering from very difficult bowels with long time to evacuate and i have gas problem also. I already visited the most expensive and big doctors in town but somebody had suggested your...

Why Should I go for Homeopathy ?

What is Homoeopathy? Homoeopathy= Homoeo + Pathy= Similar + Sufferings= A Pathy which is based on the laws “ Similar Cures Similar “. 1) Homoeopathy is expression and not the suppression,it throws the disease outside the body and never suppress it inside .That is why...


A 45 year old female patient entered in my chamber with tears in her eyes.She had great anxiety,uneasiness & was not able to sleep at night , talking continuously without head and tail, very suspicious with negative attitude ,even doubtful about recovery asking...

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