No Steroids in Homoeopathy
Yesterday a lady patient consulted me regarding her bronchial Asthma. She asked me in a very straight way. Doctor, do you use steroids? I heard that many homoeopaths give steroids
Yesterday a lady patient consulted me regarding her bronchial Asthma. She asked me in a very straight way. Doctor, do you use steroids? I heard that many homoeopaths give steroids
Prostitis means inflammation in prostate gland.Prostate is a male gland secrets male hormone. It is made up of fibrous tissues. An acute inflammation of the prostate gland accompanies by high
Now a day’s India is considered as Diabetes capital. Diabetes has spread worldwide and it is the real cause for many of the other diseases as it lowers your immunity.
Psoriasis is common and chronic skin disorder with complication, patches of oval shaped red skin covered with silvery scales and inflammation these patches usually found on arms, legs, abdomen, scale
It is the itchy inflammation with red discolorations of the skin. The skin becomes thick with blisters on it. Symptoms – itching – the most compulsory symptom of eczema, Redness,
The two most common types are osteoarthritis and phenmatoid arthritis A. Rheumatoid arthritis – inflammation and degenerative changes in synovial membrane of joint. Symptoms – different people experience different symptoms.
Opacity of lenses is known as cataract which causes blurred, doubled, and foggy vision. There may be cloudy vision. Patient is sensitive to light. Complications – impaired vision, blindness
A ringing , buzzing and whistle like sound heard in the ear due to allergy, changes in blood pressure, tumor, diabetes, thyroid problem and any ( History of) H/O –
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from the specific damage to the immune system causes by the HIV – human immune deficiency virus in
Paralysis is the complete loss of muscle function for one or more muscle groups. There is loss of feeling in affected area. Causes – damage to brain may be due